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Qinghai Boyu Textile Import and Export Co., Ltd. 2007年经青海省工商局批准,青海省商务厅认定. 具有法人资格和独立的进出口经营权的综合性外贸公司, registered capital of 10 million yuan. The company type is limited liability, 经营范围自营,代理各类货物和技术进出口业务, and wholesale, retail and agency business of clothing, needle cotton products, textile raw materials and their products, silk fabrics, 国内外轻工产品及其他产品等.

Since its establishment, the company has a good commercial reputation, 并连续多年被有关单位和国家机关授予多项荣誉称号. In 2009, the company was awarded the "Advanced Group of Commercial Work" by the Xining Municipal Commercial Bureau; In 2010, 中国银行授予公司“企业信用A级”, and in 2011, it was awarded the title of "A Management Enterprise" by the Customs; In 2012, 被营业厅授予“优秀企业”称号, and at the same time it was awarded the title of "Outstanding Enterprise" by the Xining Municipal People's Government; In 2013, it was named the title of "Executive Director Unit" by the Qinghai Enterprise Credit Association and at the same year it was named "Top 100 Business Enterprise of Qinghai Province" by Qinghai Commercial Federation; In 2014 it was again named "Top 100 Business Enterprise of Qinghai Province" by Qinghai Commercial Federation and got the Honorary title of "Honesty And Credit Business Enterprise In Qinghai Province" has been appraised by Qinghai Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce; In 2015 and 2016 for two consecutive years has been awarded the “Enterprise of Abiding by Contract and Being Trustworthy” by Qinghai Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce; In 2016, it was appraised as "Advanced Unit" in Foreign Trade of Qinghai Province by the Commerce Department of Qinghai Province; In 2017, 青海省商务厅、西宁市商务局被评为省外贸“优秀企业”.

公司主要出口产品为桑蚕丝编织坯布丝, has set up offices in Zhejiang, Sichuan, 主要负责丝绸的加工和检验, warehousing, transportation, customs declaration, sales and other business. In 2008, opened a land port in Xinjiang, mainly responsible for customs declaration, transportation and sales of silk products, the company has successfully registered "JINLUO"“ILYAS”and "BOYU" trademarks in 2009-2018. 现在在中东地区有了一定的知名度.

The company's products are mainly sold to Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Egypt, 泰国和其他穆斯林国家以及一些欧洲国家. 通过向巴基斯坦出售到迪拜,再从迪拜出口到其他阿拉伯国家, India and some European countries, the radiation population is 1 billion 300 million. 公司于2010年在中东地区建立桑蚕营销. 直销店和国外直销店的设立,极大地促进了公司国际市场和贸易额的增长, 是什么使我们的出口贸易额逐年扩大, and made gratifying achievements.

At present, 公司力争依托青海当地优势资源羊绒,在青海建立蚕丝织机深加工基地, relying on the advantages of sericulture, 从而创造出深加工精良的产品:真丝坯布, printed silk wool cloth, 民族服饰等精深产品填补了市场空白,打造了青海纺织行业独有的产品,进一步扩大了青海特色产品在整个中东市场的经营范围和规模. 随着我们业务链条的不断扩大,业务逐步发展到东欧和欧美, 新产品的不断开发和涌现,蕴含着不断增长的消费潜力, 这必然会激发更大的市场需求,使我们纺织行业的企业做大做强.

自成立以来,该公司在过去几年中一直保持着良好的增长记录. 丝绸的出口业务不断扩大,利润逐年增加. In 2010, the export value was $32 million; in 2011, the export value was $36 million. 它在全国丝绸出口行业中排名第25位,达到40美元.2012年出口总额达7500万美元,取得了42亿美元的可喜成绩.22 million in the whole year of 2013, 在青海省进出口企业创汇排行榜上排名第三. 15th place in the national silk export industry; $45.2015年和2016年,公司年出口额达到39美元.19 million and $31.08 million respectively. In 2017, the company's exports of $27.1300万在青海省创汇企业中排名第二.

At present, 公司已成为青海省外经贸系统重点出口企业, 西部地区最大的真丝出口企业, 青海省丝绸纺织品出口龙头企业, 是青海省技术创新和产品研发龙头企业.                                             
